
Apologies and Feline Feelings

I take it all back (previous rant blog about making a bad choice). I do, well I would like to but feelings were felt, things were said, pee was peed and the cat was a jerk.

Luna, we are sorry. Luna you were right. Luna, even though you are a bit the crazy kitty, we love thee and are glad you didn’t throw in the towel and decide to leave our happy home. We are now so very happy because said once upon a time ‘jerk cat’ is a happy kitty; as it is supposed to be and always shall be hence forth in this household.

Now it turns out that we, my kind wife and I were the jerks. We clearly were not in tune with blatant in-your-face cat speak.

Admittedly we supplied all necessities of a happy cat life for both our young catlings. Foods both soft and hard, water and sometimes cat milk, comfortable floor cushions just for them, much new furniture to make their own, a few large beds to cavort upon and multiple litter boxes in which to do their businesses. Alas nothing seemed amiss nor absent from any wish list any cat could imagine … yet something was off. Well, after painful and frustrating soul searching and only one bad-mouth blog about said feline culprit we the humans decided to change the type of litter in all of the litter boxes. Well, my kind wife decided to do that and stumbled upon the solution to our troubled catlings existence; poor thing was haunted by guilt and stress not least the fear of the knowledge that she would  have to pee in unsuitable places which would result in much chiding and some shunning.

I’ve made it up to kitty by treating her with the sweetness of raisins, the tangy flavor of smoked pig and the joys of chasing hazelnuts across smooth wooden floors and her own couch … when I’m not using it.

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